Lync Midway Pilot Survey

 This survey is being conducted by IT. It can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes. We would like to review how you are collaborating with others, what you are finding most effective to help you learn to integrate Microsoft Lync into your everyday work activities, how satisfied you are with the Lync system, and how well the pilot is working for you. Your answers will help us tune the pilot to support your needs. Please be assured that the answers you provide will be kept confidential and you will not be individually identified. Thank you again for your participation.


  This survey is being conducted by IT. It can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes. We would like to review how you are collaborating with others, what you are finding most effective to help you learn to integrate Microsoft Lync into your everyday work activities, how satisfied you are with the Lync system, and how well the pilot is working for you. Your answers will help us tune the pilot to support your needs. Please be assured that the answers you provide will be kept confidential and you will not be individually identified. Thank you again for your participation.

There are 27 questions in this survey.